Libby (OverDrive)

Libby (OverDrive) database logo

Thousands of popular fiction and nonfiction eBook and eAudio titles for adults, teens and children with new titles being added.

Libby has added streaming video to their service. Use the Libby app to check out a channel for a week, then enjoy unlimited content on the partner channel app. Channels are found under Libby "Extras” and include:

  • The Great Courses Library Collection: you can now "binge-learn” over 150 of the most popular courses taught by the world’s top professors from The Great Courses.
  • Stingray Qello: the world's largest collection of full-length concert films and music documentaries.
  • Indieflix: pop culture film favorites, box office hits, and award-winning feature films, original content, documentaries, and shorts.
  • Craftsy: an online resource for all creative makers from basic instruction to advanced techniques for fabric and yarn crafts, baking, drawing, and much more.
Checkout Guidelines
  • Each eBook or eAudio checks out to one user at a time
  • Checkout period: choose either 7 or 14 days
  • Titles may be renewed if there are no holds
  • Maximum number of items that may be checked out at one time: 12
  • Maximum number of holds that may be placed at one time: 10
  • Titles can be returned early to allow for more checkouts