This policy defines the social networking and social media policy for the Culpeper County Library.
The Library’s social media sites are not intended to be traditional public forums for the general exchange of ideas and viewpoints, but are instead a limited forum for discussing library programs, events, and materials.
The courts have recognized that Libraries are limited purpose public forums, and as such, are only obligated to permit the public to exercise rights that are consistent with the nature of the Library and consistent with the government’s intent in designating the Library as a traditional public forum.
By joining, utilizing and/or posting on the Library’s social media sites, you agree to comply with this policy and the Culpeper County Library’s Internet Use Agreement, as applicable.
The Library is not responsible or liable for the content of postings by third parties on any library-sponsored social media site, and postings do not reflect the opinions or positions of the Culpeper County Library, its employees, or its Library Board.
No Privacy
Users of library-sponsored social media sites have no expectation of privacy in their postings and by utilizing these sites, you consent to the Library’s right to access, monitor and read any postings on the sites.
The Library’s social media sites may be considered public records under the Virginia Public Records Act. If requested, the Library must disclose public records to third party requestors unless certain exemptions apply.
The Library shall determine in its sole discretions whether postings on its social media websites are public records and whether exemptions from disclosure apply.
By posting on the Library’s social media sites, you give the Library permission to use your name, profile picture, and the content of any posting you make without compensation to you or liability on the part of the Library.
This permission ends when you delete your posting.
Any postings inconsistent with this stated purpose, as determined by the Library, in its sole discretion, may be removed in accordance with the process set forth in this policy. Examples of postings not permitted include, but are not limited to:
- Advertisements
- Spam
- Postings which contain obscene matter
- Disparaging, harassing, abusive, profane, or offensive postings
- Postings that are hateful, threatening, pornographic, that contain graphic or gratuitous violence
- Potentially libelous or defamatory postings
- Postings which contain privileged, proprietary, or confidential information about any person, business, or entity, including, without limitation, patrons, vendors, the Library or Library partners
- Postings which violate or potentially violate local, state, or federal laws, including, without limitation, intellectual property and copyright laws
- Postings which discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, handicap, age, sexual orientation, creed, or ancestry
- Postings which are sexually harassing, including, without limitation, epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, sexual rumors that show hostility toward individuals based on gender, derogatory comments about individuals’ body or appearance, unwelcome sexual compliments, innuendos, suggestions or jokes
- Postings which violate any town, county, state or federal law having jurisdiction in the County of Culpeper, Virginia
Violations of this Policy
Postings which the Library, in its sole discretion, deems unpermitted under this policy, may be removed in whole or in part by the Library or its agents immediately upon discovery by the Library (or its agent) without prior notice.
The Library reserves the right to terminate accounts, ban or block users who have posted in violation of this policy on more than one occasion.
Reporting Violations
Users may report violations of the Library’s social media site’s policies to the Library by contacting the administrators of the Culpeper County Library’s social media sites by emailing facebook@cclva.org
Employee Postings
Library employees are not prohibited from posting on the Library’s social media sites during their personal time outside of work. The Library recognizes that public employees do not surrender all their First Amendment rights by reason of their employment and that the First Amendment protects a public employee’s right, in certain circumstances, to speak as a citizen addressing matters of public concern.
However, when a public employee makes statements pursuant to their official duties, the employee is not speaking as a citizen for First Amendment purposes, and the Constitution does not insulate his or her communications from potential discipline by the Library.
Employees must be aware that information they display or comments they make on Library social media sites may be viewed by other users as representing official Library sponsored information or comments. Therefore, in utilizing Library Social Media websites, employees must follow the guidelines set forth in separate employee computer, internet, email, social media policy and guidelines.