Interlibrary Loan

Last Updated Date

Inter-Library Loan (ILL) is the process of borrowing materials from other libraries or institutions throughout the continental United States. These are materials that the Culpeper County Library does not own in the format requested.


This service is provided to library patrons who are tax paying citizens in the County of Culpeper. The libraries of surrounding counties provide ILL services for their taxpayers. Patrons must have a valid Library card with no charges over $8.00 or any overdue items with a verifiable address. Patrons requesting ILL must provide a valid phone number at which they can be easily reached, as the lending library has the right to issue a recall of an item at any time.

ILL requestors must be eighteen (18) years or older. Minors wishing to request an item may have a parent or responsible party, who meet ILL eligibility, request the item on behalf for them. The request must be filled out and signed by the responsible party. The item must also be picked up by the responsible party.


A patron may request no more than three (3) ILL items at a time. Items must be returned before additional requests are accepted. ILL is free, but a patron may be charged for additional shipping fees or other charges not covered by fourth class library mail (i.e. insurance).

Materials that are not available through ILL:

  • High demand items.
  • Items less than one (1) year old.
  • Items already owned or on-order by the Library.

After two (2) failed retrievals of ILL items, the patron will be suspended from the ILL service for one (1) calendar year. These patrons will receive a warning letter after the first failed retrieval.


Patrons who wish to renew must notify the Culpeper County Library ILL department at least three (3) days before the original due date. If a renewal is requested on or after Culpeper County Library’s due date and the item has not been returned, the patron will be charged overdue fees until the renewal request is answered or the item is returned.

Patrons are not guaranteed that an item will be renewed, that decision is completely up to the lending institution.


Charges will be assessed for lost and overdue items. Items are considered lost if past the lending library’s due date marked on the ILL material. If the patron is late returning the ILL item, they will be notified that their ILL item is overdue and the patron’s card will be manually blocked and will remain so until the successful return of the ILL item. If the ILL is returned 10 days late, then the patron will be restricted from borrowing ILL items for one (1) calendar year. Patrons will be charged $1.00 per business day for overdue items.

Additional charges may be added by the lending institution that will be added to the patron’s overdue fine.

If the item borrowed is not returned the patron will be billed the cost of the replacement item (up to $100)

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